Antoine Läng
Voice, Jaw Harp, Objects
09. Februar 2025, Konzert: 18.00 Uhr
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Eintritt Fr. 20.– / 10.–
Voranmeldung unter empfohlen
und im Anschluss gibt es Suppe für alle.
Eintritt Fr. 20.– / 10.–

Antoine Läng
Voice, Jaw Harp, Objects
This solo focuses on the voice and jaw harps, their possible modulations and extensions by the use of acoustic devices. While their sound changes through repetition and exhaustion of same motives, is sometimes recalls traditional uses of the two instruments as well as more abstract approaches.This ambiguity maybe relies on the attention given to sound textures driven by simple gestures, or the possible frictions with sound phenomenons in the environment as a way to create music.
artist biography:
Antoine Läng (1975) Living in Geneva, Switzerland, I dedicate an important part of my sound practice to the voice, considering the body in motion and the acoustic context. The physical constraints and limits inherent to this instrument shape my work through experimentation, improvisation, idiomatic or non-idiomatic, sometimes with electronics, mouth acoustic devices or jaw harp.This body of work extends to performance, composition and sound pieces in numerous ongoing collaborations (with Anouck Genthon, Olga Kokcharova, Jacques Demierre, Jason Kahn, Christian Wolfarth, Le Recueil des Miracles, Ensemble Freux, Insub Meta Orchestra and Insub collective) and as a solo artist.
picture credit: Lucas Dubuis
Voice, Jaw Harp, Objects
This solo focuses on the voice and jaw harps, their possible modulations and extensions by the use of acoustic devices. While their sound changes through repetition and exhaustion of same motives, is sometimes recalls traditional uses of the two instruments as well as more abstract approaches.This ambiguity maybe relies on the attention given to sound textures driven by simple gestures, or the possible frictions with sound phenomenons in the environment as a way to create music.
artist biography:
Antoine Läng (1975) Living in Geneva, Switzerland, I dedicate an important part of my sound practice to the voice, considering the body in motion and the acoustic context. The physical constraints and limits inherent to this instrument shape my work through experimentation, improvisation, idiomatic or non-idiomatic, sometimes with electronics, mouth acoustic devices or jaw harp.This body of work extends to performance, composition and sound pieces in numerous ongoing collaborations (with Anouck Genthon, Olga Kokcharova, Jacques Demierre, Jason Kahn, Christian Wolfarth, Le Recueil des Miracles, Ensemble Freux, Insub Meta Orchestra and Insub collective) and as a solo artist.
picture credit: Lucas Dubuis
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